# Keymaps

You can customize the initial state of the module from the editor initialization

const editor = grapesjs.init({
 keymaps: {
    // Object of keymaps
   defaults: {
     'your-namespace:keymap-name' {
       keys: '⌘+z, ctrl+z',
       handler: 'some-command-id'

Once the editor is instantiated you can use its API and listen to its events. Before using these methods, you should get the module from the instance.

// Listen to events
editor.on('keymap:add', () => { ... });

// Use the API
const keymaps = editor.Keymaps;

# Available Events

  • keymap:add - New keymap added. The new keyamp object is passed as an argument
  • keymap:remove - Keymap removed. The removed keyamp object is passed as an argument
  • keymap:emit - Some keymap emitted, in arguments you get keymapId, shortcutUsed, Event
  • keymap:emit:{keymapId} - keymapId emitted, in arguments you get keymapId, shortcutUsed, Event

# Methods

# getConfig

Get configuration object

Returns Object (opens new window)

# add

Add new keymap

# Parameters

# Examples

// 'ns' is just a custom namespace
keymaps.add('ns:my-keymap', '⌘+j, ⌘+u, ctrl+j, alt+u', editor => {
 console.log('do stuff');
// or
keymaps.add('ns:my-keymap', '⌘+s, ctrl+s', 'some-gjs-command');

// listen to events
editor.on('keymap:emit', (id, shortcut, e) => {
 // ...

Returns Object (opens new window) Added keymap or just a command id as a string

# get

Get the keymap by id

# Parameters

# Examples

// -> {keys, handler};

Returns Object (opens new window) Keymap object

# getAll

Get all keymaps

# Examples

// -> {id1: {}, id2: {}};

Returns Object (opens new window)

# remove

Remove the keymap by id

# Parameters

# Examples

// -> {keys, handler};

Returns Object (opens new window) Removed keymap

# removeAll

Remove all binded keymaps

Returns this